[1] Apron
Is a must. So her mommy dearest yulie bakes the cake (head chef hehe) would have chances wearing her own apron :).. Besides, wearing inappropriate size can be harmful.. I mean can cause kitchen accident lah if the size is too big :P
This is my first apron project. No pattern needed as it is very basic.. Just need a little teeny weeny bit of thinking since it is reversible (you can do it too, trust me and believe in yourself ;)). Measurement taken directly from my little model’s body.
The apron with Dora the Explorer design. Hope she likes it.
[2] Zippered pillow case
Pulling the pillow out of its case is one of her favourite things to do, I was told. Smelling the ‘bantal busuk’ directly makes her calm I guess.. right? (eh, do not disagree with me. I’m sure you once - or still - have 'bantal busuk' as well ahah! There, there I can see you smiling :P) Anyway, I hope by adding the zipper would at least stop her from having that idea again.
Oh nos.. I didn’t snap the pillowcase pic before I sent. Never mind, I will post a tutorial on how to attach the zipper in my next post and show you the final result of course.
Last but not least, for the mommy dearest.. happy belated birthday yulie muahs
thanks darling! i'm loving itt!!!!! ff apatah lagiiii...
Good job dear! Macam mana boleh lupa ambik gambar pillowcase ni? hehe :D
jeles, jeles..u already have some sewing outcome this month..huhu
yulie: oh glad u like it babe :)))
marie: thanks!! lupa sbb berebut2 hihi.. jom jahit lagi jom jom
comeynyer apron itu.. masak bersama Dora plak tu.. sure little chef itu sangat excited... :D
thank u mamadaniel.. sib baik ada kain dora.. boleh la tolong menjadikan cute hehe
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